
Hi~ I am Hodan, a Digital Arts and Humanities minor at Carleton College. My interests are all over the place, but four threads have defined my digital humanities work from late 2018 until now: Media Production, Coding, Public History & Scholarship, and Data Visualization & Analysis.

I have become acquainted with many new tools and methods in my DH journey. Many of the tools I have used in the digital humanities toolkit have helped me visualize and display data, analyze data such as texts, manipulate and clean the data and make it more accessible and manageable while supporting reproducible research. Other tools have helped me in 3D modeling, coding, mapping, storytelling, and creating digital archival records and metadata while discussing individual data creation, rights and credits, remediation, the cultural authority of metadata standards and practices, and issues of accessibility and open access. I was pleasantly surprised by how many of the tools I used were low-cost (or, ideally, free) tools and applications with relatively small learning curves.

3D Modeling archives Clip collaborative DataWrapper DaVinci Resolve digital tool Documentary Google Earth Google Forms Google Photos Google Sheets Maps Music Premiere Pro Public python Qualtrics Survey Remix Short Film SketchUp Skit Survey Tableau Tutorial WordPress Writing